Our feather babies are making all kinds of crazy new croaky sounds as they’ve grown significantly in August. They are burning through food and water much faster and, though we are not sure yet, we have some pretty good hunches on who’s gonna be a rooster. Not gonna lie, it will be a bummer if we are correct, since we can’t have them within city lines.

As we’ve mentioned before though, we’ve got solid backup plans for them to live out their roostery lives to the fullest, it’ll just have to be elsewhere. 😩

Here are some pics of them at the beginning of the month:

A picture of our chicken London FogA picture of our chicken BananaA picture of our chicken LatteA picture of our chicken Lemon AidA picture of our chicken Vanilla BeanA picture of our chicken PepperA picture of our chickens Butter Crunch and Pecan SandyA picture of our chicken BraveA picture of our chicken Cookies n' Cream