- Launch Marked 2 and click the "Marked 2" menu in the upper-left and then click "Preferences".
- Click the "Apps" tab at the top of the preferences window
- Then, under the "Scrivener" section, check the "Open .scriv files in Scrivener when opened in Marked" box. Once checked you can close the preferences window if you want.
- Bring up Alfred and type "scrivmarked" (again, you can change this keyword in Alfred's workflow preferences).
- Use you arrow keys to scroll up or down to highlight the project you want to open.
- Once highlighted. Hit the right arrow key.
- Scroll down to highlight "Open in Marked and Scrivener" hit enter.
Tips: *Re-REvisiting* My Workflow (again) for Launching .scriv Files in Marked and Scrivener Simultaneously
Hey y’all, a friendly Tweep ( @ckrueger99 ) on my feed let me know that this age-old Alfred workflow has, once again, stopped working. I’m absolutely bogged down in contract work at the moment, but I am making this a fun diversion in my down time to try and figure out what came unplugged. Stay tuned!
Tips: *Revisiting* My Workflow (again) for Launching .scriv Files in Marked and Scrivener Simultaneously
Back in May, 2014, I created an Alfred workflow that allowed for you to target a specific directory that houses your project files in Scrivener, select your file, and open it in both Scrivener and Marked 2 simultaneously for live preview markdown rendering whilst working in Scrivener.
The theory behind why I created it can be read in the original post here.
A few months ago a kind visitor to this site left a comment stating that the workflow I created, no longer worked properly. It’s been years since I constructed that workflow and since then Alfred, Scrivener, and Marked have gone through several versions, so it didn’t necessarily surprise me that something came unplugged.
Either way, it was an opportunity to revisit the workflow, and I am happy to report that I’ve since fixed it!
If you think the workflow could be of service to you, here are the steps to get it up and running.
One crucial checkbox:
Getting this workflow to function properly involves checking a box in Marked 2’s preferences. So before you do anything:
[gallery type=“rectangular” link=“file” size=“medium” ids=“9768,9767”]
Install the workflow in Alfred.
Installing workflows in Alfred is still super simple. If you want to save some time, you can download the workflow file here. Once downloaded, double-click the file and that should drop you into Alfred’s workflow preferences pane, prompting you to import it.
That’s it! From here, you can tweak the workflow to better suit your needs. For instance, I’ve got my .scriv files stored in my “Documents” folder, so you may want broaden, or narrow, the workflow’s search scope.
In short, feel free to make it your own.
The steps to invoke the workflow haven't really changed:

That should open your Scrivener project in both Marked and Scrivener, ready for you to write blog posts or any content for the web!